我应该 再融资 My 车 Loan?

June 23, 2021 6分钟

Can’t make your car payments?

How many missed payments before my car is repossessed?

Having a car provides many conveniences. 你不必担心在公共汽车上拖着杂货或等45分钟的火车. 然而, for those experiencing financial problems, 不得不支付汽车贷款会让拥有一辆车看起来更像是一种负担,而不是一种便利. If you are behind with payments, or worried you will be soon, 评估你的财务状况并积极寻求你的选择可以帮助你在困难的情况下做到最好.

What happens if you stop making car payments?

When you first fall behind, 你的贷款人可能会打电话给你和/或给你写信,试图收取拖欠金额. If you continue to miss payments, and do not reach an agreement with your lender, the car will likely be repossessed. 如果报道, 逾期付款和收回会损害你的信用评分,使你在未来更难获得信用.

贷款人要等多久才能收回汽车取决于你住在哪里和贷款人的具体政策. 一些州允许在拖欠一次付款后收回汽车.

一旦汽车被收回,它通常会通过拍卖出售. 汽车在拍卖会上以转售价格的一小部分出售是很常见的. If your car sells for less than your loan balance, you will owe the lender the difference, called the “deficiency balance”.

Assess why you are struggling to make car payments

你是面临暂时的困难,还是只是买不起车? 如果你知道为什么你在挣扎,你就能更好地确定一个适当的行动方案. 如果你不确定你是否能负担得起你的车, create a budget, listing your income and expenses could be helpful. Are you spending more than you are earning? 如果是这样,这可能就是你还款困难的原因之一. 你能改变你的开支或收入,让你更能负担得起吗, such as getting a part-time job or eating out less? 这也有助于考虑你是否可以没有车. Is there another car you can drive? 你可以拼车或乘坐公共交通工具去上班吗? 如果你真的需要开车去上班或办事, 为了保住这辆车,牺牲一切可能是有意义的.

For those that fell behind due to temporary hardship, 再融资提供了一种不需要额外支付就能保持流通的方式.”

寻求 temporary assistance

Loan Extension

在贷款延期中,贷款人会把你错过的或要求跳过的付款加到贷款的末尾. 这增加了你的还款期,但消除了额外还款的需要. If you are interested, you should call your lender, 但请记住,并不是所有的贷款机构都提供贷款延期.

Repayment Plan

在还款计划中,贷款人在你每月定期还款的基础上收取部分额外还款,直到你偿还了全部拖欠金额. 当然,你也可以两次付款,但许多人没有资金这样做. If you are delinquent, 避免在没有和你的贷方商量的情况下支付部分款项, since it may be rejected without a formal agreement.

什么时候 refinance a car

为你的汽车贷款再融资是一种可以在各种情况下工作的选择. For those that fell behind due to temporary hardship, 再融资提供了一种不需要额外支付就能保持流通的方式. For those whose car payment is too high, 如果他们已经支付了贷款的很大一部分,再融资提供了一种降低付款的方法, since it can extend the repayment period.

How Does Refinancing Work?

If you refinance your car loan, you change the terms, either length of the loan and/or the interest rate, for the amount of money you owe on the loan. 例如, if after two years of paying a $20,000, 4年期贷款,利率7%,你决定再融资剩余的10美元,697 for another 4 year loan at 7%, your monthly payment would decrease from $478.92 to $256.15, a savings of over $200 a month.

如果你现在的贷款人愿意延长你的贷款并降低你的月供,那么修改贷款也可以达到同样的效果. 较低的付款可以帮助那些想要保留汽车的现金拮据的人, 而是因为你借钱的期限更长, 再融资可以增加贷款期间支付的总利息. Furthermore, if your credit score is low, it may be hard to get a new loan.

考虑 selling your car

如果你觉得你负担不起这辆车, 与其让它被收回,不如把它卖掉. 如果你能得到足够的钱来偿还你的贷款,卖车是相当简单的. 然而, 人们“倒挂”(upside down)的情况并不罕见——他们欠下的贷款比他们卖车的钱还多. What do you do in this situation?

  • 一种选择是要求贷款人免除贷款剩余金额与你出售汽车的价格之间的差额.
  • 另一个选择是为剩余的贷款余额制定一个还款计划. 自, in most cases, you can sell the car for more than the lender can, 如果你让汽车被收回,你可能不必还那么多钱.

If you are planning to get another car, 你可以将剩余的余额转到新的汽车贷款中. 然而, 只有当你买一辆比你现在的车便宜得多的新车时,这个选择才会为你省钱.

如果你根本卖不出去这辆车,你可以看看贷款人是否愿意收回这辆车. This is called a voluntary repossession. 大多数贷方在信用报告中报告自愿收回(这会降低你的信用评分), just like a regular repossession will), 所以,只有在其他选择都行不通的情况下,或者贷款人愿意给你一些东西作为归还汽车的交换时,你才会考虑它, such as a reduction in the amount you need to repay.

You have choices – and we’re also here to help

当你遇到财务问题时,很容易感到无助. 你可能无法控制生活中发生的每件事, but if you are struggling with your car payments, 你有选择-你不需要等到你的车被收回. Call your lender. Put a “For Sale” ad in the paper. See if you can refinance your loan.

We’re here to help too — talk to one of our Certified Financial Specialists -他们在这里倾听和帮助你想出最好的计划,为您的车辆贷款. 这是免费的和保密的-只对Patelco的成员.


Source(s) consulted: Broadridge Financial Solutions.

