Routing # 321076470

Member Relief and Support Center

你是否正在经历经济困难或在付款方面遇到困难? We’re here to help.

Auto loans, personal loans, credit card or line of credit

We offer several assistance programs for our consumer loans, which includes auto loans, personal loans, credit card and other lines of credit. 了解这些计划的锻炼选择和他们的资格如下.

如果您有疑问或想要开始使用这些选项,请太阳集团平台 Consumer Solutions support team at 800.358.8228 (ext. 7145) or email them at

Skip-A-Pay是一个账户功能,可以让你推迟偿还贷款 one month into the future 为你提供一点喘息的空间,以防你现金短缺或其他账单到期.

  • Use it twice a year per eligible Patelco loan in good standing.
  • Easy and quick to take advantage of it; no lengthy application forms required.
  • Do it yourself – the self-serve feature is available in Patelco Online™ and Mobile Banking.

While Skip-A-Pay is designed to help alleviate the stress, 了解此帐户功能的条款和条件非常重要, 包括每个请求收费25美元的费用,以及你的贷款利息继续在付款期间被跳过.

A payment deferral allows you to defer (or pause) up to two monthly payments. 延期付款是为那些面临暂时经济困难的人设计的,有助于保持贷款义务的流动. 延期付款不是为了解决长期的经济困难.

To be considered for a loan deferral, your loan must meet the following requirements:

  • The loan must be no more than 60 days past due at the time of the request.
  • 贷款必须符合上述封闭式和开放式债务的贷款延期限额.
  • The loan has not been previously modified under any of the hardship assistance programs.
  • 书面文件,说明造成困难的原因,以及造成困难的原因是暂时性的.

付款安排为会员提供机会,在一两个月内设立一个或多个短期付款,以使拖欠帐户恢复良好信誉. All accounts are eligible.

临时还款减免计划是一项贷款修改,旨在为符合条件的成员提供贷款, who are experiencing a short to mid-term financial hardship, with affordable and sustainable monthly payments. 月供将减少50%,利率为2%. 减少的付款仅为12个月,并在结束时返回合同义务.

贷款将符合临时还款减免计划的条件 if all the following criteria are met:

  • 这种困难是暂时的和非自愿的,您必须能够提供困难证明文件.
  • Your gross debt ratio (“back-end”) is greater than 45%.
  • 如果这是一笔汽车贷款,抵押品必须在你手中. The vehicle registration must be current. 您还必须提供保险证明,并且保险单必须将Patelco列为留置权人.
  • 该贷款以前没有根据临时减少付款计划或永久减少付款计划进行修改.
  • The temporary payment term is 12 months.

永久付款减免计划旨在提供负担得起的和可持续的每月付款. 通过采取特定的连续步骤来降低利率和延长付款时间框架,可以实现负担得起且可持续的每月付款.


  • 这种困难是永久性和非自愿的,您必须能够提供困难证明文件.
  • 你的住房支付和帕特尔科的支付超过了月总收入的38%.
  • 如果这是一笔汽车贷款,抵押品必须在你手中. The vehicle registration must be current. 您还必须提供保险证明,并且保险单必须将Patelco列为留置权人.
  • 该贷款以前没有根据永久付款减少计划进行修改.
  • A discharged Bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, 您必须提供与Balance完成债务咨询的证据.

Skip-A-Pay Options

Skip-A-Pay是一个账户功能,可以让你推迟偿还贷款 one month into the future 为你提供一点喘息的空间,以防你现金短缺或其他账单到期.

  • Use it twice a year per eligible Patelco loan in good standing.
  • Easy and quick to take advantage of it; no lengthy application forms required.
  • Do it yourself – the self-serve feature is available in Patelco Online™ and Mobile Banking.

While Skip-A-Pay is designed to help alleviate the stress, 了解此帐户功能的条款和条件非常重要, 包括每个请求收费25美元的费用,以及你的贷款利息继续在付款期间被跳过.

Payment Deferral Options

A payment deferral allows you to defer (or pause) up to two monthly payments. 延期付款是为那些面临暂时经济困难的人设计的,有助于保持贷款义务的流动. 延期付款不是为了解决长期的经济困难.

To be considered for a loan deferral, your loan must meet the following requirements:

  • The loan must be no more than 60 days past due at the time of the request.
  • 贷款必须符合上述封闭式和开放式债务的贷款延期限额.
  • The loan has not been previously modified under any of the hardship assistance programs.
  • 书面文件,说明造成困难的原因,以及造成困难的原因是暂时性的.

Payment Arrangement

付款安排为会员提供机会,在一两个月内设立一个或多个短期付款,以使拖欠帐户恢复良好信誉. All accounts are eligible.

Temp Payment Reduction

临时还款减免计划是一项贷款修改,旨在为符合条件的成员提供贷款, who are experiencing a short to mid-term financial hardship, with affordable and sustainable monthly payments. 月供将减少50%,利率为2%. 减少的付款仅为12个月,并在结束时返回合同义务.

贷款将符合临时还款减免计划的条件 if all the following criteria are met:

  • 这种困难是暂时的和非自愿的,您必须能够提供困难证明文件.
  • Your gross debt ratio (“back-end”) is greater than 45%.
  • 如果这是一笔汽车贷款,抵押品必须在你手中. The vehicle registration must be current. 您还必须提供保险证明,并且保险单必须将Patelco列为留置权人.
  • 该贷款以前没有根据临时减少付款计划或永久减少付款计划进行修改.
  • The temporary payment term is 12 months.

Permanent Loan Modification

永久付款减免计划旨在提供负担得起的和可持续的每月付款. 通过采取特定的连续步骤来降低利率和延长付款时间框架,可以实现负担得起且可持续的每月付款.


  • 这种困难是永久性和非自愿的,您必须能够提供困难证明文件.
  • 你的住房支付和帕特尔科的支付超过了月总收入的38%.
  • 如果这是一笔汽车贷款,抵押品必须在你手中. The vehicle registration must be current. 您还必须提供保险证明,并且保险单必须将Patelco列为留置权人.
  • 该贷款以前没有根据永久付款减少计划进行修改.
  • A discharged Bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, 您必须提供与Balance完成债务咨询的证据.

When you need to deal with matters of finance at Patelco, 你只需要一个电话就可以安排你的访问,这样你就可以坐下来和别人谈谈你的财务状况. 他们在你所在的地方会见你,你受到尊重.

- Victoria P | 太阳集团官网 MEMBER

Mortgage hardship assistance options

我们为经历经济困难的会员提供全面的止赎预防计划,目标是让他们留在家中. 了解这些计划的锻炼选择和他们的资格如下.

To get started with any of these options, contact our Loan Workout support team at 800.358.8228 (ext. 3999) or email them at

还款计划是一种安排,你同意分期偿还贷款欠款,同时仍然定期按月付款.  还款计划旨在帮助你在一段时间内解决贷款拖欠问题.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for a repayment plan if it meets the following requirements:

  • 证明导致当前贷款违约的财务困难已经得到解决.
  • 除了偿还未偿还的欠款所必需的数额外,还能偿还未来预定的贷款.
  • 目前处于丧失抵押品赎回权和破产状态的抵押贷款符合条件.

A payment deferral allows you to defer up to two monthly payments. 延期付款是为那些面临暂时经济困难的人设计的, 延期付款将有助于他们保持贷款义务的流动. 延期付款不是为了解决长期的经济困难.

原利率及贷款到期日维持不变. The unpaid interest will be treated separately and added to a 0% interest fee account 在贷款期限结束或偿还时作为最后一笔付款.


这个计划提供了一个暂时减少抵押贷款的支付, followed by an arrangement to cure delinquency. 临时还款减少计划旨在帮助那些失业或其他不符合贷款修改计划资格的人. 该计划旨在为那些经历暂时困难的人提供时间和灵活性,以管理影响他们履行抵押贷款义务能力的财务挑战.

这个临时的还款减免将允许你每月支付你家庭总收入的40%,也就是750美元.00, whichever is the greater amount, for a 6-month period. 在扣款期结束时,逾期款项不予免除, 而是通过后续的还款计划或贷款修改来解决这些金额.

要考虑为临时付款减少计划,一个帐户 must meet the following requirements:

  • 该贷款是由Patelco信用合作社拥有和服务的第一留置权抵押贷款.
  • 标的物业为主要住宅或投资物业.
  • The loan has existed for at least twelve (12) months.
  • The hardship is temporary and involuntary in nature.
  • Loan has not been previously modified, 而且借款人以前没有收到过暂时的付款减免.
  • You have not missed more than two monthly payments.
  • 财产税、灾害保险和业主协会费必须立即缴纳. If the property taxes are delinquent, 您必须出示房产所在县批准的还款计划的书面证明.
  • 根据统一借款者援助表格证明收入.
  • 您必须能够通过填写统一借款人援助表格中列出的困难文件来证明有效的短期困难.

永久困难修改计划是一个贷款修改程序,旨在提供负担得起的和可持续的每月付款. 这是通过采取特定的连续步骤来实现的,将每月住房支付总额降低到月总收入的31%到38%之间的目标.

抵押贷款将符合永久困难修改计划的资格 if all of the following criteria are met:

  • 抵押贷款由Patelco信用合作社拥有并提供服务.
  • 抵押贷款拖欠,或违约是可以合理预见的. 某些目前处于破产和丧失抵押品赎回权的抵押贷款也符合条件.
  • The subject property is the member’s primary residence
  • 符合条件的困难是长期的和非自愿的.
  • The property is not in a condemned status.
  • A discharged bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, 您必须提供与Balance完成债务咨询的证据.

Short Sale

短卖是指债权人解除对财产的留置权,以换取少于所欠数额的财产出售所得. 这个项目允许人们在没有丧失抵押品赎回权的情况下从他们的家过渡出去.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for short sale if all the following requirements are met:

  • 该贷款由Patelco信用合作社拥有并提供服务的房地产担保.
  • 抵押贷款拖欠,或违约是可以合理预见的. 某些目前处于破产和丧失抵押品赎回权的抵押贷款也符合条件.
  • You’re able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • 如果对您的财务状况的审查表明您有能力支付,您可能需要提供现金或签署票据以减轻Patelco的损失, unless prohibited by law.
  • 您必须填写短售包,并提供包中规定的文件.
  • 该房产必须在多重挂牌服务中挂牌出售.
  • 你可能不是该物业的上市或销售代理.

Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure

A deed-in-lieu of foreclosure (DIL), also referred to as a “voluntary conveyance,当借款人自愿将财产的所有权和占有权转让给债权人以满足抵押贷款债务并避免丧失抵押品赎回权时发生.

Under Patelco Credit Union’s workout hierarchy, DIL可以提供给那些没有资格参加所有其他止赎预防方案的成员.

抵押贷款可能符合丧失抵押品赎回权契约的条件 if all the following requirements are met:

  • 该贷款由Patelco信用合作社拥有并提供服务的房地产担保.
  • 抵押贷款拖欠,或违约是可以合理预见的. 某些目前处于破产和丧失抵押品赎回权的抵押贷款也符合条件.
  • You must be able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • 在至少90至120天内,在持牌房地产经纪人的帮助下,以公平市场价值(包括卖空)出售该物业,但没有成功.

Repayment Plan

还款计划是一种安排,你同意分期偿还贷款欠款,同时仍然定期按月付款.  还款计划旨在帮助你在一段时间内解决贷款拖欠问题.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for a repayment plan if it meets the following requirements:

  • 证明导致当前贷款违约的财务困难已经得到解决.
  • 除了偿还未偿还的欠款所必需的数额外,还能偿还未来预定的贷款.
  • 目前处于丧失抵押品赎回权和破产状态的抵押贷款符合条件.

Payment Deferral Options

A payment deferral allows you to defer up to two monthly payments. 延期付款是为那些面临暂时经济困难的人设计的, 延期付款将有助于他们保持贷款义务的流动. 延期付款不是为了解决长期的经济困难.

原利率及贷款到期日维持不变. The unpaid interest will be treated separately and added to a 0% interest fee account 在贷款期限结束或偿还时作为最后一笔付款.


Temp Payment Reduction

这个计划提供了一个暂时减少抵押贷款的支付, followed by an arrangement to cure delinquency. 临时还款减少计划旨在帮助那些失业或其他不符合贷款修改计划资格的人. 该计划旨在为那些经历暂时困难的人提供时间和灵活性,以管理影响他们履行抵押贷款义务能力的财务挑战.

这个临时的还款减免将允许你每月支付你家庭总收入的40%,也就是750美元.00, whichever is the greater amount, for a 6-month period. 在扣款期结束时,逾期款项不予免除, 而是通过后续的还款计划或贷款修改来解决这些金额.

要考虑为临时付款减少计划,一个帐户 must meet the following requirements:

  • 该贷款是由Patelco信用合作社拥有和服务的第一留置权抵押贷款.
  • 标的物业为主要住宅或投资物业.
  • The loan has existed for at least twelve (12) months.
  • The hardship is temporary and involuntary in nature.
  • Loan has not been previously modified, 而且借款人以前没有收到过暂时的付款减免.
  • You have not missed more than two monthly payments.
  • 财产税、灾害保险和业主协会费必须立即缴纳. If the property taxes are delinquent, 您必须出示房产所在县批准的还款计划的书面证明.
  • 根据统一借款者援助表格证明收入.
  • 您必须能够通过填写统一借款人援助表格中列出的困难文件来证明有效的短期困难.

Permanent Loan Modification

永久困难修改计划是一个贷款修改程序,旨在提供负担得起的和可持续的每月付款. 这是通过采取特定的连续步骤来实现的,将每月住房支付总额降低到月总收入的31%到38%之间的目标.

抵押贷款将符合永久困难修改计划的资格 if all of the following criteria are met:

  • 抵押贷款由Patelco信用合作社拥有并提供服务.
  • 抵押贷款拖欠,或违约是可以合理预见的. 某些目前处于破产和丧失抵押品赎回权的抵押贷款也符合条件.
  • The subject property is the member’s primary residence
  • 符合条件的困难是长期的和非自愿的.
  • The property is not in a condemned status.
  • A discharged bankruptcy must reaffirm the debt.

Debt Counseling Program

As a condition of approval for the Permanent Modification, 您必须提供与Balance完成债务咨询的证据.

Other Relief Options

Short Sale

短卖是指债权人解除对财产的留置权,以换取少于所欠数额的财产出售所得. 这个项目允许人们在没有丧失抵押品赎回权的情况下从他们的家过渡出去.

A mortgage loan will be eligible for short sale if all the following requirements are met:

  • 该贷款由Patelco信用合作社拥有并提供服务的房地产担保.
  • 抵押贷款拖欠,或违约是可以合理预见的. 某些目前处于破产和丧失抵押品赎回权的抵押贷款也符合条件.
  • You’re able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • 如果对您的财务状况的审查表明您有能力支付,您可能需要提供现金或签署票据以减轻Patelco的损失, unless prohibited by law.
  • 您必须填写短售包,并提供包中规定的文件.
  • 该房产必须在多重挂牌服务中挂牌出售.
  • 你可能不是该物业的上市或销售代理.

Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure

A deed-in-lieu of foreclosure (DIL), also referred to as a “voluntary conveyance,当借款人自愿将财产的所有权和占有权转让给债权人以满足抵押贷款债务并避免丧失抵押品赎回权时发生.

Under Patelco Credit Union’s workout hierarchy, DIL可以提供给那些没有资格参加所有其他止赎预防方案的成员.

抵押贷款可能符合丧失抵押品赎回权契约的条件 if all the following requirements are met:

  • 该贷款由Patelco信用合作社拥有并提供服务的房地产担保.
  • 抵押贷款拖欠,或违约是可以合理预见的. 某些目前处于破产和丧失抵押品赎回权的抵押贷款也符合条件.
  • You must be able to document a valid financial hardship.
  • 在至少90至120天内,在持牌房地产经纪人的帮助下,以公平市场价值(包括卖空)出售该物业,但没有成功.

Every day resources to help your financial wellbeing

Certified Financial Specialists (CFS)

在目标规划、储蓄策略、预算、财务困难等方面提供帮助. Connect with them here.


BALANCE为会员提供文章、辅导、网络研讨会和1:1咨询项目. Access it here.

Banzai Direct

Banzai Direct 通过文章、播客、视频和计算器提供金融教育培训.

SpringFour Local Resources

要与社区项目和附近的资源联系,请查看自助服务 SpringFour here.

Patelco Webinars and Podcasts

Our webinars and podcasts 涵盖主题,如遗产规划,税务信息,预算,和更多!

Financial Wellness Resources

Explore topics such as budgeting strategies, saving money, retirement planning and more!

Frequently asked questions about member relief and support


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