路由# 321076470


2022年9月8日 7分钟阅读

你有兴趣改造你那过时的厨房吗? Perhaps you're drowning in a sea of high-interest credit card debt, or 需要钱送孩子上大学. 或者你只是想要一个舒适的 紧急储蓄帐户,以备不时之需. 如果你是房主,a 房屋净值贷款或信用额度 也许适合你. 在你签字之前, 然而, make sure you understand the basics of home equity and what's right for your needs.

是什么 房屋权益融资?

首页 equity financing uses the equity in your home to secure a loan. 出于这个原因, lenders typically offer better interest rates for this type of financing than they do for other, 无担保类型的个人贷款. Typically, you'll be able to 借 an amount equal to 80 percent of the value of your equity.

房屋净值融资不同于抵押贷款再融资, which is the process of taking out a new home mortgage loan and using some or all of the proceeds to pay off an existing mortgage (or mortgages) on the property. Keep in mind that because 房屋权益融资 is secured by your home, 如果你不履行合同,你就有失去房子的危险. 首页 equity financing may be either a loan or a line of credit.

a是什么? 房屋净值贷款?

A 房屋净值贷款 (often referred to as a second mortgage) is a loan for a fixed amount of money that must be repaid over a fixed term. 一般来说,房屋净值贷款:

  • Provides the full amount you 借 at the beginning of the loan’s term.
  • 有固定的利率.
  • Requires equal monthly payments that repay the loan (including the interest) in full over the specified term.

什么是房屋净值信贷额度 (HELOC)?

当您收到房屋净值信贷额度(HELOC)时, 你可以在一定限额内获得循环贷款. 在贷款协议的范围内, 你只借(付)你需要的东西, 只有在你需要的时候. 一般来说,HELOC:

  Allows you to write a check or use a credit card against the available balance during a fixed time period known as the 借ing period.

  车ries a variable interest rate based on a publicly available economic index plus the lender's margin.

要求每月付款,金额可能会有所不同, based on changes in your outstanding balance and/or the prevailing interest rate.


heloc有很多种类型. 如果你正在考虑申请一份工作,你可以问以下几个问题:

  1. 利率多久调整一次?
  2. 是什么 the adjustment cap (if any) indicating how much the rate may change with any one adjustment?
  3. 是什么 the overall ceiling (or lifetime cap) on the interest rate?
  4. 是什么 the length of the 借ing term, and can it be renewed?
  5. Will the monthly payments be interest only, or will they include principal repayment?
  6. Will there be a balloon payment due at the end of the loan's term?
  7. Is there any option to convert the loan to a fixed-rate, fixed-term loan?

Some HELOCs may cap the monthly payment amount that you are required to make, 但不是利率调整. 有了这些计划, it's important to note that payment caps can result in negative amortization during periods of rising interest rates. If your monthly payment would be less than the interest accrued that month, 未付的利息将加到你的本金中, 你的未偿余额实际上会增加, even though you continued to make your required monthly payments.

是什么? 房屋净值贷款或HELOC的成本?

The costs associated with getting a 房屋净值贷款或信用额度 are often similar to those of getting a mortgage. 它们包括:

  • 申请费
  • 物业评估费
  • Points (where a point equals 1 percent of the amount of the loan or lending limit)
  • 成交费用(e).g., attorney, title search, and mortgage preparation/filing fees)
  • 年维护费(不是每个贷款或HELOC都有)
  • Transaction fee for every withdrawal (not every HELOC has this)

在你决定任何一个计划之前,先货比三家. 利率和其他成本可能因贷方而异. 在比较成本时, don't simply compare the annual percentage rate (APR) of one plan against another–particularly if one is a 房屋净值贷款 and the other is a HELOC. The APR for a 房屋净值贷款 (second mortgage) takes any points and financing charges into consideration; the APR for a HELOC does not. 比较总成本.

If your principal residence will secure the 房屋权益融资 plan, the Truth in Lending Act gives you three days from the date the account is opened to cancel the contract. 如果你要取消合同,要以书面形式提出. The lender then cancels any security interest in your home and returns all fees you paid.

我还该考虑什么呢 关于房屋净值贷款或HELOC?

There are some other points to consider before you decide to seek a 房屋净值贷款或信用额度. When you sell your home, you'll have to pay off the equity loan or line of credit.

如果你在借钱后不久卖掉, the cost of obtaining the financing may undercut your profit in the sale. 另外, the cost of obtaining an equity line of credit might be prohibitive if you only draw a small amount from it. Finally, leasing your home could be prohibited by the terms of a 房屋权益融资 contract.


What's best for you will depend on your individual circumstances, but here's a general guideline.

If you'll need a fixed amount of money all at once for a certain purpose (e.g., remodeling the kitchen or paying off other high-interest debts), 你可能想申请房屋净值贷款.

如果你在几年内需要一笔不确定的金额(e.g., funds for college or a cash reserve account), you might want to obtain a HELOC.

我能拿多少钱 ?

你可以用帕特尔科的 房屋净值贷款和信贷额度计算器 看看你能从家里借多少钱.

是什么? 税收的后果 房屋权益融资?

You may be able to deduct the interest you pay on up to a certain amount (consult your tax advisor or the IRS for the exact amount) of the principal you 借 under certain 房屋权益融资 plans. The interest you pay is generally deductible regardless of how you use the loan or line of credit proceeds (unless you use the proceeds to purchase tax-exempt vehicles). 换句话说, 购买并不一定要获得贷款或信用额度, 构建, 或者改善你的住所.


咨询来源:Broadridge Financial Solutions.

